Russian Orphan Opportunity Fund - ROOF prayer requests Details of current prayer requests for ROOF to be sent out to those who pray. en Thanks for all your prayers! <p>Thank you to all of you who pray for ROOF&#39;s work on a regular basis. One of our prayer requests last time was for a boy from a PNI (so-called &#39;<abbr title="So-called 'psycho-neurological' orphanages are those run by the Ministry of Health and Social Defence (MHSD) rather than the Ministry of Education."><a class="glossary-term" href="" title="So-called 'psycho-neurological' orphanages are those run by the Ministry of Health and Social Defence (MHSD) rather than the Ministry of Education.">psycho-neurological</a></abbr>&#39; or <abbr title="The majority of orphanages are under the Ministry of Education, whereas MHSD orphanages are run by the Ministry of Health and Social Development "MinZdravsotsrazvitiye" (previously the Ministry of Social Defense "MinSotszaschita"). "MHSD orphanage" is our own term. In English these institutions are also referred to as a "psycho-neurological" orphanages. MHSD orphanages are usually in rural locations and were opened as special homes for children with significant handicaps, whose parents cannot care for them. Many of the children in these institutions, however, are wards of the state -- orphans and social orphans. MHSD orphanages do not provide education or any significant stimulation for the children. At the age of 18 children are transferred directly to adult institutions. They are not eligible for state housing grants and cannot work. In reality this is a slow road to non-being. Yet a large number of children who end up in MHSD orphanages are not handicapped and end up their for reasons as diverse as bad behavior, lack of room in other orphanages, or having diabetes. MHSD orphanage an English equivalent for "Дом-Интернат для умственно отсталых детей". "><a class="glossary-term" href="" title="The majority of orphanages are under the Ministry of Education, whereas MHSD orphanages are run by the Ministry of Health and Social Development "MinZdravsotsrazvitiye" (previously the Ministry of Social Defense "MinSotszaschita"). "MHSD orphanage" is our own term. In English these institutions are also referred to as a "psycho-neurological" orphanages. MHSD orphanages are usually in rural locations and were opened as special homes for children with significant handicaps, whose parents cannot care for them. Many of the children in these institutions, however, are wards of the state -- orphans and social orphans. MHSD orphanages do not provide education or any significant stimulation for the children. At the age of 18 children are transferred directly to adult institutions. They are not eligible for state housing grants and cannot work. In reality this is a slow road to non-being. Yet a large number of children who end up in MHSD orphanages are not handicapped and end up their for reasons as diverse as bad behavior, lack of room in other orphanages, or having diabetes. MHSD orphanage an English equivalent for "Дом-Интернат для умственно отсталых детей". ">MHSD</a></abbr> orphanage). A judge had denied permission for him to be adopted, saying that his disabilities meant he was better off in the institution! Thanks to all your prayers, this decision was overturned, and he will be able to go home with his adoptive parents in the near future. Please continue to pray:</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> General ROOF prayer requests Sat, 28 May 2011 21:05:57 +0000 Andrew 131 at Current ROOF prayer requests <p>Thank you to all of you who pray for ROOF&#39;s work on a regular basis. Here are some updated prayer requests.</p> <p>Current prayer requests:</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> General ROOF prayer requests Fri, 06 May 2011 04:02:23 +0000 Andrew 118 at Christmas prayer <style type="text/css"> body {background-color: #ffffff; color: #000000;} p,ul,li {font-family: "Myriad Pro", Myriad, "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; color: #333333;} strong {font-weight: bolder; text-decoration:underline; color: #000000;} p.written {font-family: SkiaRegular,'Comic Sans MS','Apple Chancery','URW Chancery L',Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color: rgb(153, 0, 0);}</style><p class="written"> <em>Dear all those who do or might pray for ROOF&#39;s work,</em></p> <p> All of us at ROOF wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> ROOF prayer requests Mon, 20 Dec 2010 15:28:04 +0000 Andrew 73 at