Help raise funds
You can make a donation in US$, GB£, EUR and other currencies.
You can also help us raise funds by using shopping, auction and search sites that allow you to nominate ROOF as your preferred charity to donate a percentage of sales to. If you use Amazon or ebay, save this page as your browser home page so that you remember to use these links when you shop.
- USA Direct donation link:
- Buy ROOF products:
- Shopping at Amazon: if you shop at Amazon, please start by using this link: This way ROOF will receive a small commission on every purchase you make.
- Using ebay (USA), you can make a donation, add a donation to a purchase, add a donation link when selling an item, or donate the proceeds of a sale. You can also set ROOF as your preferred charity so that it will be easy to find the link to these things if you may do any of them in the future. Setting ROOF as your preferred charity also increases our likelihood of being an ebay highlighted organization at some point: ebay (USA) link: You can also see what listings currently benefit ROOF.
- Online shopping at can be set up to donate a proportion of the sale to ROOF. To set up ROOF as your default organization as you join IGive, use this link:
- You can also use IGive as your search engine and give $0.02 to ROOF every time you search the web:
- If you're buying or renewing a magazine subscription, use this link: and select "Russian Orphan Opportunity Fund" from the drop-down list so that ROOF receives a part of your subscription cost as a donation.
- UK Direct donation link:
- Shopping at Amazon: if you shop at Amazon, please start by using this link: This way ROOF will receive a small commission on every purchase you make.
- Using ebay (UK), you can make a donation, add a donation to a purchase, add a donation link when selling an item, or donate the proceeds of a sale. You can also set ROOF as your preferred charity so that it will be easy to find the link to these things if you may do any of them in the future. Setting ROOF as your preferred charity also increases our likelihood of being an ebay highlighted organization at some point: ebay (UK) link: You can also see what listings currently benefit ROOF.
- Online shopping at Shop2fundraise can be set up to donate a percentage to ROOF. Set up ROOF as your default support charity. Go to