2 Nov 2011 Presentation: Microfinance & Orphans?

ROOF wishes to thank Andrew and Penny Grenfell for their interesting and thought provoking presentation on 2 November, which led to an immediate brainstorming session on how microfinance might be used to stimulate entrepreneurialism and combat sense of entitlement amongst orphans, both in Moscow and in much more rural places.

As a participant in the Alpha Fellowship Program, Andrew is spending this year working at the Russian Center for Microfinance as a Local Economic Development Advisor. Andrew and Penny hope to work with ROOF in the coming year to put some of their knowledge into practice for the good of young adults who have grown up in institutional care in Russia.

The basic outline of Andrew's and Penny's presentation can be seen here:


andrew_grenfells_presentation_2_nov_11_russian.pdf167.17 KB
